Friday, June 7, 2013

Birthday Wish List

Needless to say, June is my favorite my month. That's because it's my birthday month. Yay.  This year marks my 35 years of adventure in this world. I have done many things, switched jobs and careers, moved to different cities, traveled (but not as much as I want to), bought a house and got married. 

At 35, I think it would a steadier year. Breaking new grounds, gaining more friends, living a dynamic married life and consistent blogging are my serious wishes for the year. I do sincerely hope and pray that they be granted. I pray  the prayer of Jabez that my territory would also be enlarged.

But if it rained wishes-do-come-true on other things like consumables, I would gladly have these awesome stuff:

1. I love writing notes. And so I would love to have one or two of Isabel Gatustlao's flat note cards. They're awesome. I think I would easily get one of these as good friend Erika Saenz offered to gift me one.

2. I would like to trade my iPad 2 for an iPad Mini. I love it (iPad 2) still but it's just way heavier than the mini. I don't really watch movies and videos on it so no hard feelings. I think the Mini would be perfect size and weight for my reading fest. And even blogging. 

3. Bikram Yoga pass. I kept on postponing enrollment. I would really want to go because it's good for my thyroid.

4. Photography classes. I want to attend a class on digital photography. Preferably one that zeroes in on the use of just digital cameras like my trusty Olympus. If the world is kind I would want an OM-D.
Photo Source:
5. A nice bag. Promise this will be the only bag I will buy have this year.

6. A sleek 11-inch MacBook Air will thrill me to the bones. 
 Sigh. A girl can dream, right?



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