Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

It's the first time that I participated in a Trick or Treat event for kids of Avon associates at the office. I have known (since last week) that we were given themes per floor so we can dress up our area when the kids arrive to trick or treat. 

But we thought someone was already in charge until the day before the event when we didn't see anyone putting in cobwebs or anything that seem spooky. At around 4pm, we had an epiphany to put in a bit of an effort. So, we collected a few pesos from each of our team members and borrowed some props from the props room of the creatives department. 

This is our last minute entry. Our version of Pinoy Horror Movie.

White Lady.

The candies we managed to buy from our very limited funds! hahaha
Early morning of the 30th, everyone on our floor got on board with the idea of dressing up the area as well as putting everyone in character. We got busy with only about 30 minutes to spare before judging time. 
These 3 were a hit during photo ops with the kids and parents!


And then we sneaked a peek on the other floors' setup. Oh my! They went crazy with their floor design. Ours looked like it's been hurriedly put up (which is true)...

The 7th floor's version of Harijuko.

themed candy stations

 Associates in character!

The 9th floor's Superhero setup. I must say they have the most generous stations for treats: coloring book, pencils, loot bag, etc. Does it make sense when colleagues conclude that it's because they're from Finance and HR? Much moolah.

This is the 10th floor's scooby-doo set. We were floored because it looked like they really went all out with their props.

The 11th floor, the home of our creatives department and marketing colleagues, was not quite done yet when we looked around. 

Later on, we saw the finished set and was impressed! They had a candy buffet!

Before the kids when floor to floor, the floor winners were announced. Obviously, the 7th floor got the nod of the board of judges. Surprisingly, we came in fourth. Lol! Not bad for an almost spur of the moment design idea.

When the kids reached our floor, I was taken aback. There were so many of them, all pushing their candy baskets at me that I was almost afraid I'd run out of candy. (Read: Remember, we only have less than full bowl.)

My first office halloween event was a hit, both kids and adults had fun. It was truly a spook-tacular celebration. 

How was your trick or treat experience? 



Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Amazing Race: Avon Philippines Edition

Change quote via Carol's Country Sunshine on Facebook

This age-old adage is never truer than in the world of Avon. Change in our organization happens as often as the changes of the season. Recently, we bid adieu to a beloved GM and welcomed a lovely lady as the new General Manager.
To officially welcome our new GM the Sales and Operations (S&O) way, she has to be esenonized -- a hilarious ritual of introducing the Philippines and the Avon Field Divisions, political satire style.

And to ease everyone into the new change, the executive team had an epiphany to launch an amazing race type of team building for the field executives. Hence, the Amazing Race, Avon Philippines edition. Not even the very short timeline could hinder us from achieving our objectives: build camaraderie and bring out Leadership-In-Action amongst our field team colleagues. 

Butchay and I were the designated Phil Keoghan of our own race version. We formulated our rules, fleshed out the tasks in coordination with our Race Team Coordinators, and rallied everyone to use, Instagram as a platform for showing proof that a task has been completed. 
Good thing everyone has a company-issued iPhone 5 with unlimited data plan so, connectivity should not have been an issue. And the race route is contained within the Makati Central Business District which is an LTE-enabled area (Long Term Evolution). It means a wireless communication with high-speed data for mobile phones.

But Instagram got 'overwhelmed' by the surge of posts that we had a really difficult time commenting on the entries of the race participants. Ha ha ha. The calls we received ranged from frantic to utter dismay. The competitive streak in them cannot comprehend why it's taking so long for the Race Team Coordinators to comment: Good Job or Try Again! 

So, we had to improvise. We used our personal Instagram accounts to post our comments. And the race continued.

Just like its TV version, the first team to arrive was declared the winner.
The Visayan Fighters (Division G)

Days after the race, it's still the trending topic amongst our field associates. They still had the race hang over. 

At the end of the day, we hoped that the camaraderie built renewed our spirit and re-energized our passion to win. 

They say that the 'Filipino spirit is water-proof, unshakeable and indomitable.' I would like to expand it further by saying that the 'Avon spirit is water-proof, unshakeable and indomitable.' We've proven time and again that not even the strongest typhoon, deepest flood, scariest quake can quell our desire to make a difference in the lives of men and women in this country. 

We believe that difficult and tragic things do not stay forever and so we declare that today is the start of our 

Onward team!

