Monday, September 21, 2015

Johnnie Walker and Romi Garduce

Last Friday, September 18, we saw ourselves braving the drizzle to attend the Johnnie Walker launch of it's newest campaign, Joy Will Take You Further. I usually don't get invited to this kind of events. But hey, we got a VIP invite from the man of the hour -- Romi Garduce. 

Romi happens to be one of the eight or so global ambassadors for Johnnie Walker. He's in league with Jude Law. Ha ha ha. Now, did I mention that Romi's penchant for going after his dream to see the world did not just end with his being able to successfully climbed Mt Everest? Yes, he has seen the world from all the seven summits of the world! Few people can ever claim that.

Friday night was the launch of its new TV ad and campaign. It's exciting. It's exhilirating. Just like Johnnie Walker. 

Watch out for timeline 00:22. Makes you proud a Filipino made it to the roster of these elite group of achievers. 

Am not a whiskey fan. But I tremendously enjoyed my cocktails that night. It's smooth and suave. Even the one with just ice on it. Whatever you call it. 
Mixed with joy. 
What I particularly liked about this night is that I saw some friends. And met new acquaintances who shared their perspective in life, much different than mine. Oh, how interesting. 

So, yeah, next time I get invited, I'd probably not think twice anymore. 

Get your own taste of Johnnie Walker with its wide-array of labels-- red, blue, black, gold, double black. Name it. 

Cheers! Keep Walking. 



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